As we approach the feastive season it is a good time to celebrate our No.1 product and the foundation of Forever Living Products – Aloe Vera Gel, a product that accounts for 50% of the company’s turnover.
As we all know it is not sold on its taste but for its many benefits. It is an excellent source of micronutrients and trace elements with an anti-inflammatory and pain-killing action and an ability to balance the immune system through its long chain sugar Acemannan, giving the consumers an increased sense of wellbeing. This ancient plant usually grows in areas rich in minerals which it absorbs and presents to us in a bioavailable form. After drinking the gel for a few weeks most people notice a tangible improvement to skin , hair and nails, as these structures are provided with more of their basic building blocks.
The gel should be refrigerated after opening and taken on an empty stomach first thing in the morning so it can enter the small bowel relatively unaffected by stomach acid and enzymes. Here, this important polysaccharide can be absorbed whole by certain specialized cells delivering it to the blood stream just as it was in the yellow bottle and just as it was in the plant.
Drinking the gel alters the action of the gut as it speeds up gut transit time whilst smoothing out irregular contractions, a very property if you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome. Aloe Vera will improve the absorption of food, especially protein, but I also believe it may enhance the absorption of certain drugs. People often ask me how much they should take and I think this is down to individual experimentation, usually varying between 100-150 mls per day. For children and the elderly the requirement is less, remembering that a child of 12 takes an adult portion. As a rule of thumb, a six year-old will take half and a three year old a quarter and so on. I do not advice it to be given to infants under one year.
“Why should Customers buy our gel as it is one of the more expensive varieties on the market? The answer is simple. It’s about quality and the fact that it works!”
There are several cheaper products available and these tend to be of the whole leaf variety rather than using the filleting process that we adopt. I am convinced that our method of production is superior for the following reasons set out in the table opposite.
There’s no space to mention everything about this quite exceptional succulent but my flyers ‘Aloe the Facts’ and ‘Top 10 Reasons to Drink Aloe Vera Gel’ will provide further details. Incidentally, I’m told that it’s an excellent cure for a hangover! So cheers!
Dr Peter Atherton. MB ChB, DObst rCOG, FrCGP
Advisory Board Member
1. Forever aloe plants are organically grown using no herbicides or pesticides.
2. Plants are harvested by hand as individual healthy leaves.
3. Leaves are delivered to our on-site processing plant within three hours.
4. Leaves are washed and filleted to excluded and the unwanted sap or aloin.
5. The product is not filtered
6. It is not concentrated.
7. It is subjected to a cold stabilization process, where no excessive heat is used. All stabilizer’s and antioxidants are naturally sourced.
The ale vera product is the best product, and this item is very suitable for body morning time drink the aloe vera juice its benefit the gas tic problem.Aloe Vera Gelly – based on pure stabilized aloe Vera's gel is the finest natural remedy.