Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Bowel Movement

The movement that doesn’t move…

         Bowel Movement  
The Fecal amount of city-dwellers has decreased 20% when compared with that 20 years ago, which shows that our intestines are under the great pressure of stored feces. According to experiments, there will be weight loss of 2-30lb after cleansing intestines. So it is time for us to manage bowel properly.

A Glimpse of Stored Feces
In view of aging and consumption of more meat, modern people’s bowel movement is weakened, resulting in stored feces, which will produce harmful materials for intestine wall to absorb, and then being transmitted to other parts of the body. Such toxins lower skin quality and cause all kinds of diseases. Getting rid of stored feces not only improve constipation, acnes and color spots, but also help remove intestine fat, lose weight and regulate body immunity. In the age of Hippocrates (an ancient Greek physician), there had been records of intestine cleansing already.

According to studies, the averaged stored feces of a normal person can be up to 13- 14lb. Even though one may defecate regularly, his/her intestine can be contaminated. This is due to bad dietary habits, daily stress, sitting for a long time, etc., all affecting the digestive function. When food residues are kept in intestine wall, they accumulate and harden into a film of mucus and bacteria, leading to narrowing of intestine, and thus hindering nutrient absorption. Once feces are stored inside the colon, toxins are produced and released into blood.

Sources of Diseases
Scientific research reveals that 50% human’s immune system is located in the colon. If the colon malfunctions, toxins inside the body will be removed through other channels, e.g. kidney, skin and respiration, resulting in problems such as body and breath odor, dull skin, skin allergy, rash as well as color spots. Some may think that the formation of big belly is due to obesity. Actually, the underlying cause is the accumulated toxins, which bring about increased waist line and weight. The toxins also increase kidney and liver’s burden, damage other main organs, thus triggering the incidence of cancers.
Lymphatic system is found throughout the body, which serves to fight against bacteria and detoxify by means of sweat glands, intestine and kidney. As more than 70% lymphatic system is located around the intestines, if the toxins are not removed, they will enter into other parts of the body through the system again. This phenomenon is known as “autointoxication”, which is the source of many diseases.

Don’ts for Healthy Intestines
In order to keep intestines clean, one needs to take care daily diets and ways of living by avoiding the followings:

Eating Too Fast
Busy and hectic life urges one to eat fast and food is digested incompletely, leaving the toxin problem. So it is important to chew thoroughly.

Cold Food
Human body needs a warm environment. Thus cold food should be avoided as it slows down bowel movement.

Drinking Too Much Water during Meals
This will dilute digestive fluid and enzyme, which send a wrong signal to stomach that the digestive process is finished. The indigested food gives extra burden to small intestine. So it is recommended not to drink abundant water half an hour before and 1 hour after meals.

Defecation Delay
Such delay will harm the body, bringing toxins into the bloodstream. According to “The Lancet” and “American Health Journal”, scientific studies shows that women with constipation and defecation difficulty are vulnerable to breast cancer.

Recommended Nutrients
Water, probiotics, fiber, enzyme and vitamin B complex are essential in the process of colon detoxification.
Intestinal health is closely related to the balance of microorganisms. As harmful bacteria causes constipation and diarrhea, take probiotics to increase good bacteria.

Aloe Vera Gel rich in fiber and enzymes

The occurrence of stored feces is also related to how well food is digested and feces volume. As sufficient amount of feces facilitates defecation, fiber plays a vital role in feces volume. It is suggested to consume 25-30mg dietary fiber daily.

Enzyme aids in protein and fat digestion, and is crucial for metabolism. It also detoxifies the body.

It can improve metabolism and rid the body of toxins and wastes. Therefore one should drink at least 6-8 glasses of water daily. Vitamin B, like co-enzyme, removes toxins and wastes during metabolism. It also repairs liver cells when the liver decomposes toxins absorbed from intestines.

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